There’s been a lot of chatter on the internet of the “Ambien defense”.
It’s quite a good defense for weird behavior. I’m talking as a recovering Ambien abuser for over ten years.
It all started when my doctor prescribed Ambien for my sleeping problems. They worked marvelously as a way to finally get a good nights sleep. But after a year or two, I realized that I liked the effects of Ambien (called Stesolid in Sweden,) which made me want to stay awake a while longer after ingesting the pills. It’s a fast acting version of a classical benzo medicine like Valium. And you get dependent on them very quickly.
Crazy Shit You Do on Ambien
I’ve made a lot of crazy posts on Facebook and Twitter after taking Ambien. More insane than usual, which for those who know me is a new kind of crazy.
Let’s Give You An Example .
One morning I did what I always do, open my MacBook Pro or iPad and read and answered all the emails. But there was a mail from a professor of economics from a well known University in the US, that had sent a long email going through the motions of explaining something. I didn’t have a clue and couldn’t figure out what he was on about. But after checking my browser history and checking my outbox in AirMail, I realized that I’d read an article in a business magazine, got miffed about the premise and sent an email to the author. Thankfully, my argument was quite spot on, but I couldn’t remember anything about posting it or even reading the article. It was like reading someone else’s email.
Just Say No!
All the time I was on that horrible pill, I did a lot of stupid stuff, just going through all the shit I wrote would take forever. Thankfully I’m of that horrendous pill now but still struggling to get
So for me, when someone blames Ambien for doing crazy shit, I’m actually on their side. The only fly in the ointment is that it never made me change my general outlook on life in my weird postings. I never became a racist, women hater or anything else. Just blurting out information that would
The manufacturer of the DRUG (extra emphasis) responds by saying (about Rosanne Barr) that their drug doesn’t make people racists. Maybe that is true, but it makes people dependent on their medications and does make people do stuff they wouldn’t usually do, and fast as well, so they should just shut up and take the pain. It’s a horrible drug that should be considered only in the most severe cases of insomnia and not hand it out like candy for sleeping disorders. But I guess the income from the sales makes up for all the harm they inflict on people.
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